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Langes Covid-Unterstützungsprogramm, Workshop 7: Heilung

Do., 01. Juli


Langer Covid-Workshop 7: Heilung

Heilender Tanz - Lebensbejahende Gedichte - Rhythmus, Lachen, Leben

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Langes Covid-Unterstützungsprogramm, Workshop 7: Heilung
Langes Covid-Unterstützungsprogramm, Workshop 7: Heilung

Zeit & Ort

01. Juli 2021, 15:30 – 16:30 GMT+1

Langer Covid-Workshop 7: Heilung

Über die Veranstaltung

Long Covid Support Programme, Workshop 7: Healing

Healing Dance - Life Affirming Poems - Rhythm:Laughter:Life

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This is the seventh workshop in our Long Covid Support series, Navigating a Path Back to Health.

We have another rich programme lined up for you.

Healing Dance

with Dr Hanna Poikonen

Healing is a journey to understand oneself, and to learn to take care of oneself. Through creative movement, we will explore the moment on which we are at our individual healing journey right now. The exercise can be done sitting, standing or laying in bed.

Life Affirming Poems

with Julia Outlaw

When we are unwell, we, as a whole, are affected.  How could it be different  when our mind, body and emotions are so intimately connected?

Healing can come about from multiple directions, and something that can help very much is feeling a sense of peace and belonging.   Poetry has the ability to talk to parts of us we don't often contact - it can speak directly to our emotions and allow us to feel that our experience of being human is a shared one!  

Julia Outlaw will read a few short poems as you rest - to nourish your ears and your soul.

When We Don't Know It's Rhythm

with Bartosz Nowakowski

Rhythm is the most organic part of music. Rhythm is our heartbeat and all the body movements we make from the first beat of our heart. The second so very intimate part of music is singing. The first breath is the first sound. Both coexist giving us life. With every breath with every heartbeat. 

The word 'rhythm' can be a rhythm in itself when we say it properly, just as the word 'music' becomes singing when we lengthen the vowels. Both these activities give a sense of harmony and are always great territory for discovery and healing. They also give birth to a third value of music and life that gives flavour to the previous two: laughter. 

Gelos - in Greek means laughter. I invite you to try Gelotology.


  • Langer Covid-Workshop 7

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